30 Day Wardrobe Challenge
White Shirt Challenge

I found there were two spots that caught dirt easily -- collar and the cuffs. Unless you're in a full body case, your neck and wrist are going to rub against these areas through out day. Having a good two weeks supply of the same white top would have been helpful between professional cleanings but there was one shirt.
After a bit of research (and I truly mean a bit because I'm naturally lazy) I found that I had one household product in my possession that did the trick -- and NO it was not a cap full of bleach! It was a few drops of dish washing detergent. Here's how I hand washed the shirt:
If you find yourself clumsy like I was (with a plate of spaghetti, a cup of juice, and other things that can prove I am in fact a 5 year old.) immediately treat the stain with water or stain remover solvent.
1. If shirt has a cardboard support tab remove to prevent damaging it.
2. Run stained area under hot water to dampen area.
3. Apply a few drops to area and rub shirt together. Repeat until stain fades. (all under running water).
4. Hang overnight to dry. (use blow dryer on cool for quick drying).
This did the trick every time! I was able wear the shirt the next day free of makeup/food stains. Also, remember that this method is only good for a short period. It's important to research the proper at home care for item's you've spent some dough on.
Happy Styling