30 Day Wardrobe Challenge
Blogger Challenge
White Shirt Challenge
2/28/2015So, the time has come for me to retire the shirt. If you have been following via Instagram you've seen the versatility, observations and challenges that have come along with this experiment.
The first few weeks were fun. I got up everyday with an expectant look. I wanted each look to be different and say something about my style. I spent most of my time in the work place so a large part of the experiment was spent in "appropriate" looks -- who knew a button up in an office would eventually feel out of place. The weekends were fun because that meant shorter lengths and more options. My favorite of the more risky looks was the shirt tied as a skirt (I wore it to celebrate history of Louis Vuitton via the LV series exhibit).

On top of taking a new approach to my closet everyday I spent some time at my vanity as well. Everyday for the past month I got up and prepped myself from head to toe. I put on my face everyday and did my hair. Which made me late more times than I would like to admit. Next up find a more efficient morning routine!

I'm excited for it to be over and happy to have so many of my friends and followers get invested in this as much as I was. The nice comments as well as questions "where's the shirt?!" made for great encouragement. It kept me out and about with my tripod each day to take a snapshot.
Here are somethings I learned in my 28 days:
1. Don't be afraid to get creative. I spent about 25 minutes trying the shirt-skirt. The bow just wouldn't come out right and you could hear me groaning from a block away. This was one of the looks I had been dying to try and I always gave up. In some strike of luck I was able to smooth out the bulk and got to show of my handy work. This look received great feedback and I kept thinking what if I didn't try it? I'll definitely going to be getting a bit more creative here on the blog!
2. Don't put one piece in a box/Don't judge a piece by it's cover. Who knew something as structured as a men's button down could be so versatile. Although the shirt fit it at work, I still able to give off a weekend vibe. Accessories, shoes, and little unbuttoning helped with this.
3. Don't just admire. Through the month when I couldn't take from myself I took from others. Not just my typical style icons but from those I had seem but feel would totally rock this shirt. Two big inspirations were Diane Keaton in Annie Hall (Day 12) and Vashti Kola (Day 22). They came to mind and I left the rest fall around the shirt. Incorporating the style of others into your looks instead of changing yours to make is important to keep and develop your own style.
4. Take care of your clothing. Investing in a nice piece and taking the necessary precautions to keep them in tact is key. I enjoyed retrieving the freshly dry cleaned top from the cleaners. It felt fresh and was a like a reboot mid project. If I figure if were to do this with my favorite items It could be a frequent reboot to my wardrobe.
In conclusion, I'm happy to have done it and stuck it out. I almost gave up but this I found that I could dedicate myself to something that didn't have a mandated deadline. This has helped me out of my post grad slump and has me excited to do more for RAR. Can't wait to see what new things the rest of this year brings!