Since moving into my new place... Damn I'm not even sure I mentioned the fact that I move two weeks ago, Sorry. (More on the new digs...

Since moving into my new place... Damn I'm not even sure I mentioned the fact that I move two weeks ago, Sorry. (More on the new digs later)

Yes, so since moving into my new place I've fallen into this tradition of coming home from work on Friday and climbing into my full sized bed and not moving for hours. There is a level of comfort that comes from the all white scenery of my plush comforters. And to quote every 14 year old girl; I know its only been two weeks,  but I know this is the real.

These are my Fridays. Especially since I'm now located further from campus and my friends. But you know what? I'm okay with that!

How do you whined down on Fridays?

Happy Styling

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