Green Machine
Meet Me In The Kitchen
Meet Me In the Kitchen: The Green Machine
We all know that eating healthy can be one difficult lifestyle goal. I say goal instead of simple saying life style is because it is rarely achieved. I myself am still on that road. Recently I have gotten into juicing and let me say I have been obsessed. There is something about being surrounded by the fresh produce, chopping away that makes you feel instantly healthier.
I got this recipe from a documentary I watched called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (its on Netflix check it out) that inspired me to this. The name of the drink in the movie is Mean Green but I like Green Machine.
My plan was to do complete juicing by replacing two meals with fresh juice. That proved to be impossible after only 4 hours into it. I give myself an A for effort and a pat on my back for admitting that I couldn't do it. I then immediately got myself to the nearest In-N-Out to nourish myself before fainting.
To make a long short I liked the drink and wanted to going. So now I make them to have with meals and as alternatives to store bought juice and soda.
Now you may be asking yourself (I know you aren't but come on play along) "What makes this the special ala Roses are Red?" Well... I add oranges in there for a bit more flavor! Was that anti-climatic enough for you? And since I am refuse to purchase a juicer I make mine via blender, add water and strain the result. This method is a time consuming but my biceps are getting a boss ass work!
Go ahead! Try my little concoction and let me know what you think.
Happy Styling