N E W Y E A R. N E W M E.

What I'm wearing: Dress - Fashion Q | Boots - XXI | Bracelets - Macy's I couldn't help but use the c...

What I'm wearing: Dress - Fashion Q | Boots - XXI | Bracelets - Macy's

I couldn't help but use the cheesiest line there is to describe the new year. All jokes aside, I'm excited for 2016. I've accomplished so many of my goals this year but honestly it was all just a bit of a trial run. I took content creating a lot more seriously and putting myself out there. I put just about every idea I had for a shoot/video and made it real. I meet so many new people, brands, and made amazing new friends in the process.

One of my biggest accomplishments this year was traveling. If you follow any of my social media you would know that I traveled to New York in October for a Generation Beauty (a vlogger/blogger conference). The trip was initially impossible but I put trust in myself and made it there with the support of those around me. Stepping foot on the other side of the country for the first time in my life was an amazing experience. As a West Coast girl through and through I was surprised at how much I loved it.

If 2016 is thing like 2015 I know it's going to be amazing. I just can't wait to take all the inspiration and confidence this year has provided and triple that!

Happy New Year! See you in 2016!

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