Aimee Song
New Year
This year I decide to express myself with my clothing. And while in all my time blogging I have stuck to doing so, I thought I'd go a bit further. This is year has been a year of experimenting with mixing elements (mostly masculine meets feminine), excepting my grungy side, and trend trying. I'm hoping next year will bring me more great outfit moments like the ones from 2013.
The little things have been my favorite part of my outfits. Accessories were key, cuffs were present and layering was fun. 2013 has brought me a lot great details. Getting the right shot was just a fun part of each look.
One of the hottest summers of my life in Southern California. This meant crop tops and loose pieces were my thing. Many of the shoots happened in the shade, during ice cream runs and places with air conditioning (the laundry mat photo above). If I wasn't wearing my favorite pair of shades, I was rocking a floppy hat. Despite the temperature the looks were all fun.
I made it a goal to get out and network. I believe the year before was the my first time going to events on behalf of my blog. I've got the hang of it and had some fun. My friends were there to come along and I even did the bold thing of going to some events solo. I even made new friends who I appreciate so much to this day. I met new bloggers and reconnected with out blogging buddies. I even attended Fashion Week twice. I seriously can't wait to get on the blogger grind come next year.
To be honest I debating doing this post. I haven't been blogging and uninspired. But thanks to my archive I realized this year was AMAZING upon looking back. I can't thank you enough for reading and all of your comments. Happy New Year guys! I really can't wait for what 2014 holds.
To keep up with me until my next post follow me on Instagram and & Twitter. I'll be live posting a very fun New Years Eve.